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a happy mom and wife who loves to laugh and delights in finding a great pair of shoes! We currently find ourselves serving with 250 wonderful missionaries in the England London Mission - what joy!

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Principessa Scout

don't even think about it

I think that I have created a monster.  Yesterday I took our little dog, Scout, to the groomer. (Not one of her favorite activities, but I digress.)   While  I was at the "crocodile groomer"  (as the-man-of-my-dreams refers to it) I saw a soft, warm pad that I thought Scout would like for her crate.  She has spent the past couple of days shivering as the weather has turned a little cooler and I was trying to find a way to warm her bed up.  I bought the fake-fur-blanket-pad- thing and brought it home.  When I took it out of the bag and put in on the floor she immediately parked her little body on it and took possession.   "Well," I thought, "isn't it great that she likes it."     
Last night I put the blanket in the bed  and she went straight in and snuggled down for the night. This morning I when I opened the door to her crate she didn't come out.  Typically she is out, down the stairs and headed to the back door.  I bent down and looked in and slowly she came out. I thought, "Hmmm, she must really like her blanket." 
I got breakfast for Zach and sent him out the door to school and looked around, no Scout.  Not normal, but okay, she must have gone back upstairs.  I went up and looked in her bed...no Scout and no blanket.  Now this wasn't an easy thing to get into the crate in the first place so I was surprised to not find it there.  I looked around the room and peeking out from my closet was a little dog snuggled into her blanket. Now, let me just say, I have NEVER seen her drag anything around larger than one of her toys and here she had dragged this blanket across the room and into the closet.  
This was only the beginning.   She usually sits in my lap as I work on the computer.  Not today.  She usually follows me upstairs as I shower.  Not today.  All day she has parked her little 4 pound body on that blanket.  She dragged it from spot to spot and growled at anyone who came within a foot of her.  What have I done?  This is not good. 

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