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a happy mom and wife who loves to laugh and delights in finding a great pair of shoes! We currently find ourselves serving with 250 wonderful missionaries in the England London Mission - what joy!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Just another day.


So-- yesterday I went to a "thingy". You know the kind. You dress up, walk around and smile at people you don't really know, put an "I'm facinated by every thing you say" look on your face when the Master of Ceremonies is speaking...you know. ANYWAY, at the end of the evening I took a little detour into the restroom and as I was re-adjusting my SPANX slip, thought to myself, "wow, I know I haven't eaten anything but I think I have lost weight during this evening!" Upon closer inspection I realize that I had been wearing my slip--upside down- the whole night.

1 comment:

Annemarie said...

he he he
I love spanx. Who knew a girl could have such a great relationship with an under garment. Sad, I know.