About Me

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a happy mom and wife who loves to laugh and delights in finding a great pair of shoes! We currently find ourselves serving with 250 wonderful missionaries in the England London Mission - what joy!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Sixteen Days!!!!!

Sixteen days-- Can you believe it?  Sixteen days and this mom will have her arms around her little Peter Rabbit.  I am so proud of him and amazed at the growth we have seen through his email the past two years.  St. Louis will miss him.  We have missed him.  I know that life will be different when he gets here.  I know that my laundry will more than double, my food bill will more than double, my noise level will more than double..you get the picture, but the laughter will double, the singing will double, the teasing will double, and the hugs...ohhhh!  The hugs will double!  I can't wait...Sixteen Days!


Bob and Tami said...

Holly Lynn!! You must be so proud. So much to celebrate. Glad we can use this to keep in contact. Miss you and Love you too. Bob and Tami

Jenny Slingerland said...

Holy smokes! How exciting! I can hardly wait to see him!