About Me

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a happy mom and wife who loves to laugh and delights in finding a great pair of shoes! We currently find ourselves serving with 250 wonderful missionaries in the England London Mission - what joy!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

plans? what plans?

I had my life all planned out.

The day after our beloved Peter married his angel, Robyn, I was headed for the cabin.  Then a beach. Yep, it was going to be perfect.  No one left at home, Zachary has 10 months left in California, just us and the dog.

Oh, the books I was going to read.  Travel?  Of course.  Maybe even learn a language and finally figure out Aperture so I could have stunning photos.  Imagine the things I could blog about!

Then life happened.

Now, we have Meridian.  An adorable 15 year old girl (gasp!) who is adding dimensions to our lives.

Lesson learned?
don't make plans.


Astrid said...

Oh wow, I can't believe I didn't hear about you on the news . . . delivering a 15 year-old baby! AMAZING!!! :) Congratulations on the child and the wedding, looks like it was beautiful from the picture, you'll have to post more!!

Jenny Slingerland said...

Such a great photo! What a cute couple!